Nkhata Bay Collection points

PEP - Collection possible at any branch of PEP
Chinteche (A) - Victoria Forex Bureau
Chinteche Trading Centre
Chinteche TurnOff - Victoria Forex Bureau
Chinteche Trading Centre
Chintheche T - Victoria Forex Bureau
Chinteche Trading Centre
Kande Beach - Victoria Forex Bureau
Kande Beach Trading Centre
Nkhata Bay - First Capital Bank Cash
Nkhata Bay
Nkhata Bay B - Victoria Forex Bureau
Next to FDH BANK
Nkhatabay - FINCA
Opposite Police Station
Nkhatabay Boma A - Victoria Forex Bureau
Nkhatabay Trading Centre
NkhataBay Market - Victoria Forex Bureau
NkhataBay Trading Centre
NkhataBay Turn Off - Mukuru Orange Booth
NkhataBay Turn Off
Tukombo - Victoria Forex Bureau
Tukombo Trading Centre